About Me


Over the last few years I, Rinkesh Kukreja, have grown increasingly concerned about our dependence on foreign energy and the impact it is having on our economy, and the potential threat to our national security. Instead of just worrying about the problem, I decided to do whatever I could do to help others.

The potential threat of Climate change, Global warming, decline of Non-renewable sources has made all of us deeply concerned about the effects that it may cause to the people living on earth. There are 2 things that you could do: you can either turn blind eye towards it or you can take an initiative and do something for the betterment of environment.

I decided to choose the second option. Since I can’t do much about the supply of energy, I decided to focus my efforts on ways to conserve energy. In particular, I was looking for ways to conserve that were practical and painless for the average person. I started Conserve Energy Future in August 2009 in order to educate others so that they would hopefully join in the conservation effort. If we all do our part, we can benefit ourselves and this great planet we are blessed to live in.

You will find posts related to Solar energy, Wind energy, Geothermal energy, Global warming, Recycling, Fossil Fuels, Hydrogen energyNuclear energy, Pollution and many more.

In January 2017, I was acknowledged as one of the World’s Top Eco-Conscious Bloggers by Above Green.

In March 2017, Conserve Energy Future was awarded as one of the ‘Best Green Energy Websites 2017’ in the category ‘All-Arounder’ by Green Match.

Best Green Energy Websites

I am constantly researching new ways to conserve energy, and will be adding new content to this site appropriately. If you have any ideas to share, or would like to help sponsor this site, you can contact me at: Contact@Conserve-Energy-Future.com.

Alternatively, you can join me on Conserve Energy Future Facebook page to introduce yourself, to share any innovative idea to conserve energy, help others or just to chat with like minded peers. Don’t have a shred of doubt, we’re an absolutely welcoming community.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site.